but they were already killing each other
People talking about native Americans "but they were already killing each other" 🤨so were the Europeans
Just because they'r doing it
Just because they'r doing it doesn't make it right this includes corruption, oppression, abuse, slavery, and genocide
What was it that Jesus guy said about neighbors?
🤔What was it that Jesus guy said about neighbors? Oh right, I remember now, it's "they aren't like us, you can't trust them" I think I...
deep pockets
I don't need a man with deep pockets, I need pants with deep pockets.
Having anxiety and/or depression is like having your own personal heckler that follows you around all the time.
Fear what is other
Fear what is other, don't be curious or kind, they aren't like us, they are other, they will take what is mine. - Alice Abbott 1/6/2019
Don't trust them they'r lazy
Don't trust them they'r lazy, they are using our money to fill their tummy, and they take even more cause we keep them alive, don't help...
I am so tired of people trying to justify cruelty and oppression
I am so tired of people trying to justify cruelty and oppression by saying "it's for their own good" or that "we have to pick someone to...
Why do we even need Libraries?
People that love to learn. Homeless people getting out of the cold or heat. People that need help with paperwork they don't understand....
Truth/facts matter
Truth/facts are rarely simple and most of the time it will not make you happy. But they still matters. The true can hurt, but a lie is...