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It has to end some time

I feel a great sorrow to know that some of the people I have always loved have always hated me and looked for ways to hurt me.

They will never grow up and stop trying to hurt me so I have to stay away from them.

I have always tried so hard but I just can't do it anymore to change myself for other people.

They are not good people and I can't waste my life trying to love and help people that that are trying to destroy me.

To be used, abused, and thrown away only for it to start again.

The never ending hope that they could change. But they never seem to.

I have tried far too hard for far to long.

I am tired of dealing with all the trauma that they keep giving me. Even when I try to avoid them it never seems to end. And they just keep adding too it when I try to interact with them.

Everyone think they are kind but they aren't.

I might not be perfect but I don't deserve people try to hurt and harass me.

Being alone is better than people like that.

I have always done my best to grow and change and become a better person even if the wounds never seem to heal properly because the torment never ends.

No matter how far away I get. It never seems to end.

Every time I try to forgive and move on more gets added.


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