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for people like ME

So for every one that doesn't understand how the hole free health care/ free birth control/ free schooling thing works. It is for people like ME that are working there ass off trying to get by on next to nothing to become a productive member of society so i can pay taxes that will help do the same for others. The free health care is because i if i get sick then i can't stay at my job because i need a doctor's note, and then i don't have a job. The free schooling is so that i can have find a job that will pay me enough to live. The free birth control is so i don't have kids i don't have the money to feed, i think people should have children because they want them not just because because they had sex with some one, i think they should be loved not resented. So you don't like it then unfriend me if you like, because i have always helped any one i could, and if any one has a problem with these things then it's me you have a problem with.

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