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Corporations are people too?

I think one of the reasons I enjoy history is because I find irony funny and sad at the same time, and I still want to change the world to make it a better place.

Like “God gave us ownership of all animals” was one of the justifications for slavery and imperialism over anyone seen as non-whites. Because only white people were seen as people and even then, some whites were seen as more white, then others. Like the Irish were not seen as being as human as the English, even if they are some of the palest people you will ever see, because they had no money or power, there for they are not as human right.

Jews could never be seen as white because they are not Christian, and if they ever got money or power then it was seen there Christian duty to take it away from them.

Don't get me started on women being seen as not really humans. Now you don’t ever have to be a person, to be more of a person, to have more rights than others have, all it takes is money.

One day hopefully historians will look back and see these things in our time and think this is funny, they will not even understand how we could do these things.

The same way that I look at slavery or imperialism and think why would anyone ever do that or think about other humans that way.

The way being more human or having rights over others ended up making them have less humanity in the end then the ones they thought of as being less human. In trying to take away others humanity they gave up their own.

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