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Eddie Izzard

Eddie Izzard is the first person I remember being gender-queer or anything and not a drag queen. I love his stand up the first one I saw was Dress to Kill.

Eddie Izzard's Dress to Kill 1999

Eddie Izzard - Do you have a flag? From Dress to Kill

He really made me question what gender is and why we have it. We are culturally conditioned to not question things that are perceived as the normal, some ever hate or hurt what they don't understand. One person and/or one question and you start to think about things in new ways.

I don't think he's transgender more gender-queer. But really his just himself whatever that is. I think that's lovely. ❤️🙂

Eddie Izzard 2019 politics activist and marathon runner

Eddie Izzard - “Wunderbar” and Moving from Comedy to Politics | The Daily Show

Eddie Izzard on Why It Was Important for Him to Come Out | Loose Women

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