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What is PC culture any way

What is PC culture. Are you offended/mad about things that politicians say they care about trying to fix for you then you too have a PC culture.

"The term political correctness is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society."

So basically it's almost every thing that politicians say and do to make people like and vote for them.

If you'r offended/mad about PC culture then them complaining about PC culture is in fact PC culture.

Are you offended/mad about Mexican and central american immigrants taking job ect. then "build that wall" and "they are taking our jobs" is now PC.

If you'r offended/mad about the idea of someone changing the gun laws then both not talking about changing the laws and defending not changing them is PC.

Being a Christian is PC in most of America.

Do you think that America is becoming to diverse and your voice won't be heard and you might become a "disadvantage" minority yourself then people talking about suppressing minorities and being "real Americas" what ever the fuck that is, is PC.

And yes even Libertarians have PC culture because they have politicians trying to represent you trying to maximize political freedom and autonomy, emphasizing freedom of choice, voluntary association, and individual judgment. and you get to maximize political freedom and autonomy, emphasizing freedom of choice, voluntary association, and individual judgment. And you get offended/mad when you don't get it.

PC culture is often associated with liberals cause they seem to care about not hurting peoples feeling and listening to diverse groups and minorities. But in fact ever political point of view has one they just aren't all the same one. And we all have feelings about things that we care about. It doesn't really matter if it your a minority or what ever or if your a gun owner cause you have politicians that's saying they care about you and your feelings.

And FYI you can be a majority and minority at the same time, you could be a white man but also gay, or you could be a minority because your an atheist and so on.

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