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Terry Pratchett's - Discworld books - The Nac Mac Feegle

The Nac Mac Feegle~ The fearlessness of Nac Mac Feegle warriors in combat is derived from their religious belief that they cannot be killed, because they are already dead; they believe that they are in the afterlife, and that any Feegle who is killed has simply been reincarnated into the world where they have already lived before. -they are from some of the Discworld books by Terry Pratchett

I like it! Thinking that "we came to this world because we were good". It makes me think, if we lived this life as if it were heaven, what would life be like for us?

The Nac Mac Feegle's are Pictsies it's pronounce like a mix of Picts and pixies.

The Latin word Picti first occurs in a panegyric written by Eumenius in AD 297 and is taken to mean "painted or tattooed people". The Nac Mac Feegles' skin appears blue because it is heavily tattooed and covered with woad, and all have red hair.

According to their own history, the Nac Mac Feegle rebelled against the wicked rule of the (or possibly "a") Queen of the Fairies, and were therefore exiled from Fairyland. According to everyone else (including the Nac Mac Feegle themselves if they forget this story), they were kicked out for causing fights and being drunk at two in the afternoon. As a rule, the Nac Mac Feegle will never steal from the truly poor. They love cursing, stealing, drinking and fighting

"The Wee Free Men! Nae king! Nae quin! Nae laird! Nae master! We willna' be fooled again!” ― Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men. That's why their people are called The Wee Free Men.

The Wee Free Men seem to be a mixes of the ancient Celtic cultures from The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland like the Picts, and the old stories of pixies, brownies, fairies, and leprechauns. In the old stories they are just as likely to trick you, as they are to help you.

Nac Mac Feegles possess a eusocial culture similar to bees, termites and other social insects. The clan is made up of hundreds of brothers, and one mother, called a kelda. When a Clan's kelda dies, another is imported from a different clan. The new kelda chooses her husband, known as the Big Man, from among her adopted Clan when she arrives, and soon begins the lifelong task of begetting the next generation, often up to one hundred tiny baby Feegles at a time. The Wee Free Men are afraid of the kelda disapproval.

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