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Reasons to study history

Reasons to study history

This is what google says

1. History repeats itself

2. History makes you a better student

3. History is interesting

4. History helps us learn of world events

5. History helps us become good citizens

6. History helps understand change

7. History helps us judge wisely

8. History helps understand cultures

9. History tells us who we are

10. History helps us understand the world


If you have a twisted sense of humor and keen sense of irony.

History can be sad but it can also be really funny.

Me starting to learn about and what other people seem to think learning about history is "wouldn't it be nice to live in this time or that time". And that's why most black people and other historically oppressed groups of people don't like history.

But I'm sitting over here taking notes like "Oh that's been hurting other people too, and we still haven't changed that shit. I better tell some people and get on that shit."

History is the story that we tell ourselves about how things are, were, or should be.

Here are things to help you in learning more about History.

You have to look to science and archaeology to help verify the facts as much as you can.

Who you are and your perspective changes the way you interpret the facts and stories.

And you always have to ask yourself, who is telling the story? does the story benefits of in some way?

If it says "we are heroes because he defeated the big bad terrible bad guys" (the Romes) Are they telling the truth, or do they just want to look stronger for over coming a strong enemy?

If it is the Romes and they are the only ones writing things down then you have to look to the archaeology to try to verify the facts.

But some archaeology finds have been falsified.Most often falsified finds have been mythical cities with planted evidence placed in real findings. But Archaeology is now subject to more Scientific scrutiny.

Look at prevailing theories of History and Scientific academics are then use your own critical thinking skills.

Watch out for

1. Look at the language that they use. The language that use can be very telling of what their intent could be it can be seen more clearly. Even children shows like Horrible Histories that plays around with History, uses the proper language and terms so that you can look up the things you learn. The more academic the words the more likely that it's for and from a higher source education.

2. Is it more story or evidence-based.

3. Are they telling you how they have gathered the evidence.

4. If you question something see if you can find it's sources and try to see if you can verify it's legitimacy.

5. Try and find multiple sources.

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