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White Privilege and why it's still a thing

There are just so many things to unpack here

This person doesn't know any thing about history or laws in America or any other place.

All you have to do is look and no one was hiding tell like 20 year ago. Law maker said that why they were need most often to save white women from now it's just implied. What does a "real American" look and act like.

Things like education and wealth get passed down from one generation to the next generation. A multitude of laws like Jim Crow laws ect. as well as racial stereotypes just being accepted as a normal part of a culture, have stunted many communities economic growth.

They are there for seen as poor. And what are poor people dangerous, unreliable, and stupid. Not being able to eat contributes to that stereotypes. If you feed the poor you don't have to fear.

If you are poor you'r stupid and less likely to get tested for things like learning disabilities and don't get the help they need.

When you are turned down and put down all the time a lot of times you just stop trying. And sometimes you start believe the things people call you.

Even after slavery was outlawed and to this day prison labor is slave labor.

White people are seen as having more potential because we look like people in power and we might even remind the person that has the power of themselves or a family member so we are more likely to get off with warning.

In America not white has always equaled poor and not human. When the majority of poor immigrants in Americas were German, Italian, or Irish they weren't seen as white.

A lot of Irish people have the palest (white) skin I have ever seen, but if you'r poor you'r not white and there for not someone anyone has to care about. The Irish people that had come over long before were just Americans.

But when your skin color implies that you might not have some kind of wealthy privilege ancestors you don't have to matter.

Cultural identifiers can also be something that makes someone seem poor or not "white". Because poor people are not protected they all often from tightly-knit community. Because they are seen as outsiders they have to protect each-other so they from communities and community comes culture. In some ways it's letting people that might be apart of the larger community you belong to that you may not know they are safer and more likely to help you.

Power is even now passed down and only given in rare cases to people someone with power thinks they can trust.

Most often the people that can be "trusted" are people that have educational opportunities that allows them to have accessed to make affluent friends, mentors and/or patrons.

Education on it's own is not enough people that have the power have to want to help you for whatever reason.

People have White Privilege because racism is ingrained a normalized. You don't see it as long as it doesn't affect you in a negative way. Things just workout cause you were smarter, work harder ect. then them.

And if things don't workout the way you want it's "well they had more help then me", "it's all their fault I can't succeed" ect. because you didn't get something that "you think you should have". Then you know what White Privilege is because if "you think you should have" and they shouldn't then what are you really saying.

I idea of race was made up to dehumanize people with out pale skin to try and justify things like slavery and colonialism.

History effect what's happening today. Things didn't just magically change when slavery ended.

As with all progress people will cry "why should I have to change and/or have to care".


People do not have to love someone to make a baby. No one should ever thank white people for slavery and colonialism. Just cause it happen doesn't make it right.

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Working Artist
Alice Mae Abbott

Alice Mae Abbott is a American Artist, based out of Central Arkansas.



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