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No civilization without taxation

We start taxation for a lot of different reasons at different times and places.

Reasons given for starting taxation; tribute to the gods, extortion for warlords, pooling goods to then share in times like winter.

As humans we share in a way that we store things we can't keep without it going bad in other people I share with you then you will share with me. It's not bartering but sharing without a formal agreement.

We share then we become a group so the more self reliant we think we or others should be the more isolated people become.

Writing and money was often started because of taxation.

I know of no city or government that has ever functioned without some from of taxation.

When done right people pay taxes then get things like;

Different kinds of safety like;

military protect and serve

or food stores so they don't go hungry because of droughts and floods.

Better roads that they can then use.

Helping the poor and/or disabled so they don't begging you for help every where you go, have to steal to stay alive, and so you don't have to watch them dying for no good reason.

I am using the word civilization in the classical Western European way.

I know that not all civilization and culture fit into this ways of using the word. The idea of civilized or uncivilized changes from person to person and is often used as a justification of the destruction of a culture and it's people.

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Alice Mae Abbott

Alice Mae Abbott is a American Artist, based out of Central Arkansas.



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