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The longer he stays in power the sadder and more pathetic he becomes

The longer he stays in power the sadder and more pathetic he becomes. He is not frightening because he is strong but because he is so weak, stupid, and easily led by anyone willing to brown nose.

The only thing he cares about is him self and and looking like he is "wining" what ever the fuck that is. Real life is not a game no one way is the right way not every body wants the same things.

As for me he doesn't have one thing I can look up to as good.

The values I look up to are things like, trustworthiness, compassion, curiosity, critical thinking skills, help and protect those weaker than you, the strength to stand up and say something to do what's right even if it's hard or affects you own life badly.

I can not follow or believe in someone like him. I feel sorry for him but more sorry for the people he has the power to hurt to make himself and his followers feel better about their own unhappy lives.

Every day he stays in power I look to see if he has started a war. What is really frightening is all the people willing to put him in power.

This time is a real low point for us.

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