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being a good leader or a bad one

I'm starting to hate donald trump as much as I Dolores Umbridge from the Harry Potter books.

He fucks with your head and lowers your expectations tell you forget what a good leader would do. Being from a military family being a good leader is a big deal to me. Bad leaders make every one under them unhappy and it's harder to do their jobs and really bad leaders let people the people under them die for no good reason. Capt. Brett E. Crozier, the Navy captain who was removed from command of the coronavirus-stricken aircraft carrier U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt was being a great leader our president is a bad leader.

Even day donald trump goes on TV and shows how little he cares for us. He makes me feel ill. We all have to stay informed so if he can't act like a human that cares about the people, then he really needs to fuck off.

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