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8 minutes and 46 seconds

8 minutes and 46 seconds a crowd of people watching, begging him to stop, openly recording on it video.

Death of George Floyd

On May 25, 2020, the death of George Floyd, an African-American man, occurred in Powderhorn, a neighborhood south of downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States.

His death was as a message and that message need to be answered.

He did it because he was being watched that is the bigger problem not that the people around him did nothing but ask him to stop over and over. He had a gun and was looking for a reason to kill people. The 3 other police officers could have stopped him. For the other people watching it was to sending a message in the same way that lynchings had to terrorize black Americans and he felt safe doing it. A lot of things before this happened to build up to terrorize black Americans like a woman killed in her own home during the stay at home order, and a man killed that was out running Ahmaud Arbery gunned down by former police officer and son, a white woman who called the police after a black man asked her to put her dog on a leash in New York City's Central Park she made it clear she knew what she was doing from what I understand it has really fucked up her life but on the other hand he might have been kill because of her, and there are likely more that's just what made the news.

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