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A part of your worlds

What a lovely soul have you

And all the lovely stories too

With you life is fun and free

All the things the world can be

When I'm spending time with the

I feel light and fannicy free

Oh the possibilities

A heart once broken

Is mended

Even if just for this time suspended

For when you're away from me you see the darkness comes to comfort me

I do not mind the dark you see I've lived here long and it's where I see

But you're bright hope dances through my life allows my soul temporarily to take flight

When we're together you give me hope even if dark words I spoke

Your bright light does comfort me

And through your eyes I see all that could be

And when I am in the dark and all alone I see what has been and feel forlorn

But for me that is the norm

Do not fear that playful Soul you know is gone

For I shall bloom again when next your light has Shinedown upon me

And we may again have joyful interludes

Where I may occasionally bring you down or be a bit rude

But you shall never lose me

Even though we may be apart separated by time and space it will never be able to erase

The love you have inspired

No matter how old we get or how tired

Your stories

Your life

Your soul

Will fill my life with joy

I am there for you because I care for you

and I shall wait and anticipate our next interlude from which I can escape the darkness that comforts me in the absence of your light

Sometimes I know I need the dark to see

And space to heal

But I hope that you know you are a light to me

And I hope that my darkness never dims your light


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