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Advice to My Future Self

I often write advice to My Future Self

Knowing that in the moment it can be difficult for me to think coherently

However having never experienced the situation before

even if I had some times experienced similar situations

The advice may not be nuanced enough to be useful

Or consider every possible situation

Even if it's not exactly right

I do find that it helps me

It helps me feel calmer sometimes

Although with a lot of things there's nothing that can truly prepare me for it actually happening.

I think you should Always consider your own situation when taking advice anyway

Use what is helpful

and the rest while well intentioned

it's not necessarily useful to you at the moment

It's all about finding what works for you

unless about following things to the letter

regardless of the situation or your feelings

You can make a plan

But you have to keep that plan flexible

Especially when you're dealing with outside forces that are beyond your control

This maybe because I am autistic

I'm not a big fan of unknown quantities in general

And can have extreme reactions to unexpected or alarming things happening to me

And the fact that my reaction is unexpected and outside my own control often that is also a distressing feeling for me and experience


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