Apologizing while autistic
I find that trying to apologize
Explain myself
Or try to find out why the person is mad at me
These things are always mistakes
Being autistic I often try to do these things
I need to try to fix things
To try to make sure the person knows I didn't intend to hurt them
To let them know I am trying my best
And I need to know what I did wrong so I can try to stop doing it
But people keep telling me I am doing something
But they can't seem to say what it is they are mad about
They will say things like you know
But I never do
I know that it is not this way for all autistic people but I know that is for some of us
So it's better not to ask what I did wrong
Try to tell them I didn't mean to hurt them
It's better to just stay away from them
If people can't tell me what I'm doing wrong then they are just people that don't like me and I need to move on
If someone actually cares about me
And they are safe people
Then and only then should I try to do anything
As much as it hurts me
A lot of people do just hate me
And I have no idea why and they don't seem to ether
Even if they can make something up most of the time it is clear they are happy for anyone other me to do the same things
as long as it's not me
If people hate me there's not much I can do but stay away from them