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Balancing your self with yoga

Creating balance and harmony within yourself through yoga Chanting Meditation

By focusing on each aspect of different chakras while chanting it's mantra

Visualizing yourself with the aspect or attributes that you feel you are in need of

Starting from the root chakra going to the crown chakra opening each chakra by focusing on the area in your body and on the attributes of each chakras meaning

If you do not open all of your chakras in order then you may be promoting an inbalance in the chakras

And the point of the exercise is to align your chakras not to promote one over the other

To ensure balance I recommend at least doing the first four chakras starting at the root and going to the heart chakra

If you are in need of healing then the throat chakra should be acknowledged as well

However the third eye chakra is opening up your eyes to the universe and if you are not prepared for that then it is best not to open that chakra

It connects you with your intuition but it also connects you to getting spiritual messages

The crown chakra can connect you with the universe fully and detaches you from your physical existence

this can distance you from the world

And you let go of your Earthly connections

You are able to see the big picture but unable to connect to the now

If you are unprepared for it

It may be disconcerting at best and terrifying or counterproductive if used incorrectly

There are times in your life when you absolutely need to be focused on what's going on around you and the people in your life

Focusing particularly on the chakras that you believe that you need help with

You should try to visualize both the opening of the chakra and of the meaning of the chakra

If you are opening your fire chakra visualize yourself being more confident and Powerful and what you would look like doing that in a positive way in your life

Earth- basic needs Food, Water, Shelter, safty, community

Too much Earth chakra= greed, for money food anything that you need or you believe you need for survival

Root Chakra Seed Mantra –

LAM Chanting Meditation

Water- sex, emotions, creativity, imagination, intimacy and connection

Too much water chakra= too much focus on sexual or romantic relationships or emotions

Sacral Chakra Seed Mantra –

VAM Chanting Meditation

Fire- confidence, passion, Drive, action

Too much fire chakra= to competitive and power hungry, as well as being overly confident, succeeding by any means necessary

Solar Plexus Chakra Seed Mantra –

RAMM Chanting Meditation

Air- love, compassion, curiosity, open

Too much air chakra= flighty and inconsistent, trusting too easily, not considering the consequences of actions

Heart Chakra Seed Mantra –

YAM Chanting Meditation


Throat Chakra Seed Mantra –

HAM Chanting Meditation

The third eye- Opening yourself up to the universe connecting you with your intuition and the spiritual Realm

Too much third eye chakra= you may start to appear delusional to the people around you because you are too connected to the spiritual realm and not connected enough to reality of the moment beginning to think that everything is some sort of cosmic sign or symbol for you

Third Eye Chakra Seed Mantra –

OM Chanting Meditation

The crown- Transcending your physical form and becoming one with the universe

Too much Crown chakra= you'll be detached from the world around you and your physical needs like food and shelter, you might forget to pay the rent or stop communicating with your friends and family or letting them down when they need you

Crown Chakra Seed Mantra –

AH Chanting Meditation

It's important to note that these exercises are to focus on yourself and your internal balance and your relationship with the world around you and yourself your feelings and your actions

Not to manifest things to happen

Doing these exercises will not make you money, get you laid, or make someone fall in love with you

It does however help you refocus and balance yourself inwardly so that you are not too focused on one aspect of life with the detriment to the other aspects

It should help you change the way that you think and feel on the inside and therefore change your actions on the outside

And in doing that, it might help you get the things that you want (sex, money, ect.), or it might change your perspective about the things that you might want in your life are

It can do things like

Make you want to be more financially stable

improve your sex drive make you more in touch with your feelings and your own sexuality

Making you more creative and imaginative

Improve your confidence and work ethic and make you passionate about your work

More open Curious and generous of spirit

Compassion for others

More connected with your intuition and your spirituality

Give you the ability to see the big picture

I believe that these things have value

And while doing this activity may not make you the perfect person that always gets everything right

but what it should do is give you a more balanced Life and perspective

I know that yoga is a religious practice

Although I have not fully researched it's practices and history

But I personally am not particularly religious although I have found this to be helpful at different points in my life

I found the mantras and a brief explanation of each chakra in a yoga book that I purchased many years ago

I have attempted to recall what I came away with when I read the book and the and my own observations that I noticed when practicing the exercise

If you are struggling to understand my explanation

the television show avatar The Last Airbender demonstrates the character Aang opening all seven chakras

As you do not have to save the world you can stop anytime you want

I had already practice the meditations before seeing the show and was surprised at it being on the children's cartoon

And how that compared to about my own personal experiences with it

Of course as everyone is different we will all have different experiences

And we all must find what works for ourselves

Even when I am not actively practicing the exercise in my life

I find that Just Having learned the concepts and the things that the meditation taught me while doing the practice

I feel that it has had long-lasting effects on me

I am an inherently skeptical person however I have found this useful

But it's your life live it the way you want to


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Alice Mae Abbott

Alice Mae Abbott is a American Artist, based out of Central Arkansas.



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