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It can be extremely frustrating if you do start to learn to tell whenever people are experiencing emotions but you're not able to connect what you have done that made them feel that way but you can't connect it to something that you yourself may have done to them.

I sometimes think about interactions for years trying to figure out what it was that I did wrong. Because I need to know why so I don't do it again.

When you are really smart in some ways people often can't understand that you find something they don't even know they can do is so hard for you.

It's the same when you have dyslexia but are also smart and capable in other ways.

When you have autism and you info dump people assume that you're showing off how smart you are what often we are merely attempting to share our joy and learning or focus on things that we do know or understand or even attempt to communicate and connect through other people's overlapping interests.

I frequently look for information that I think the people that I care about might value or be interested in. Only to have their eyes glaze over whenever I try to connect with them about it.

People can often perceive high functioning autistic people as being superhuman in some way and they are less inclined to acknowledge are differences and difficulties.

People do not believe that I struggle even when they witness us doing it.

Even if I repeatedly ask what I did wrong.

It can frequently feel like people do not even know why they are mad at you.

I know it is not ok to hurt peoples feelings but I can't even try to stop doing something if people can't tell me what I am getting wrong.

And people cannot acknowledge deficits or disabilities even when they are literally witnessing them. Then I'm not even sure what it is that I can do about it.


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