Google it
I often tell people to google things if I have given them all the information I know off hand and they want more, if I don't know something, or if I think they don't really care and are just being an asshole.
I sometime forget I can just google something because it hasn't been around my hole life and don't mind if people tell me to.
I find that most people don't take my word for things so they are more likely to believe it if they look it up themselves.
Most of the things I know I did not learn on google I am an active learner and I'v been doing it my hole life because of that I don't know what the exact source is, it might even be a defunct source.
A lot of recent historians are trying to undo a lot of the white supremacy in history so even history is always changing I love that there is always something new to learn but hate that I might be unknowingly be misinforming people.
So googling something for yourself might be better.