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I hied the fact that I had a learning disability for a long time

I hied the fact that I had a learning disability for a long time

and I was told to not tell people.

I found that not telling people made me feel ashamed of it and hiding it is really hard.

Little things can be a big deal and it can make you look lazy or like you don't care at all.

But when I went to college I had to tell my teachers and at first I would get really up set about it.

But over time I started to finding that I wasn't alone and every time I told some one it got a little easier.

I started thinking about it and every time I learned that any one had a learning disability I felt less alone

and I felt like the people that were open about could really show people that it doesn't mean you're stupid or can't learn at all.

I know that from all the research my family (mostly my mom) did that it didn't and shouldn't stop you from learning

you just have to going slow or find ways of working around it.

So one day I was like I could be one of those people that can help people that don't have them learn about it or at lest the kind I have and the people that do have one that their not alone

and I found that there are a lot of people around me that were hiding it that said me too.

I found that most of the time it's not really that big a deal.

I still have people tell me that they wouldn't have known and some times that I could/should hide it but I say "that's why I'm telling you so you can see that it's not something to be ashamed of or that you should have to hide".

I have started to see that most of the things we are hiding if we told people it would help some people to know they aren't alone,

others that it's no big deal or that people like you exist.

So stand up and be counted you are not alone what ever it is.


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Working Artist
Alice Mae Abbott

Alice Mae Abbott is a American Artist, based out of Central Arkansas.



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