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It can be quite jarring the first time you see one out of the context

I'm not saying any one should ever wear a swastika but Hitler stole the swastika and it one of the oldest symbols in the world.

It dates back some 6,000 years to rock and cave paintings. Scholars generally agree it originated in India. With the emergence of the Sanskrit language came the term 'swastika', a combination of 'su', or good, and 'asti', to be; in other words, well-being it is used as a symbol of divinity and spirituality in Indian religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, and it can be found as far as ancient Native American Textile Art.

So if you see it in these historical and cultural context it has nothing to do with white power.

Just giving you a heads because it can be quite jarring the first time you see one out of the context you know from.

The same with the Nazi salute it was from ancient Rome and you will see it all over art history.

That said everything Hitler touched turned to shit and we should never forget that.


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