Love in all shapes and sizes
Love is here to break your heart
To make you hole and tear you apart
It makes you feel more than you thought you could
It can break parts of your soul you didn't know you had
And make you feel safe
As brave as a bear š»
And make you fear for those you love
Love is shown as a joy but it is also pain
A powerful drug that can take away your pain or cause it and make you go insane
For once you have felt it you keep needing more
It can be both selfless and selfish
And no 2 loves the same
For love must always be new
Even old love is always changing
For without new growth love will die
Sometimes it feels easy others it hard
Love is always different and some how still the same
For love is everything
We need love to keep going
All the different kinds
To love your work
To love your family
To love your friends
To love the world
And romantic love
Some loves start big and some loves are small and can grow
Some loves bloom but for a season and others bloom forever
Some times love comes easy and others take hard work
With the stress and strains of a hard life love can be damaged at times but it can healed if care for properly or it can wither die
It can be shattered into a billion pieces never to be repaired
Or the wound may just need to be cleaned bandaged up with care
Love may come and go or stay forever
but love has always mattered and it always will