Lying about people having invisible disabilities
When you lie about someone having an invisible disability
You're denying their struggles and their successes
You're often denying something that has in a very significant way defined their life
It is like saying a person that is paralyzed from the waist down can walk because they have legs and you can just will yourself better
And if you can read some but it's like learning to walk using leg braces and crutches
Having to treat every book you read as some sort of code breaking exercise
And then they pointing that out as proof that you don't really have a disability
Everyone around you telling you to hide it and leave use of people that lie to people exploit that
Because everyone's been telling you to act like you don't have one to make it as invisible as possible to other people because they might exploit it
And then someone lies about it to everyone they come into contact with
They are telling everyone around them that you have informed of the disability that you are a liar and not to be trusted
So that other people treat youeven more cruelly then they have
This affects anything that someone needs a good reputation for jobs loans anything of that kind
I don't give a fuck if you want to believe that you have an invisibility disability or not
but you do not get to decide other people's internal experiences
If you want to hide your head in the sand and deny reality that is up to you
but you do not get to decide for other people
Even if you are a doctor
if you are not their doctor
you do not get to decide or make judgments about them
It takes a certain kind of evil
to live with someone most of your life that has invisible disabilities with you seeing
the signs all of the time and
them requesting help from you and begging for you It
to then inform people that they are lying it's the most hurtful evil thing
Without doing actual external physical harm
Depressed people can often seem happy and even at times be happy
People with learning disabilities can be extraordinarily smart
And still have a hard time with reading writing or mathematics
People that are in pain can force themselves to do things sometimes
You do not get to decide what is or is not a disability
and unless you are their doctor or testing the person you do not get to decide whether or not a person has a disability or not
You do not get to talk about whether or not that person may or may not have a disability with other people
If you don't think someone has an invisible disability then you stay the fuck away from them because you are a bad person and they are vulnerable people
That do not need you in their lives