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One day you may see

Maybe one day you will see

But the person that will show you will not be me

I'm not responsible for educating your ignorance or intolerance

Or meeting your hate with compassion

I'm not the reason your joy has turned to Ashs

And that your passions do not last

Life alone will make you learn

I will not set myself on fire so you can watch me burn

If you wish for something to light your way you'll have to wait for the light of day

But Beware of the blinding light of day for it will show your shadows

And your darkest ways

You shall come to light

Or you will die each day inside

A little more

Until you've healed what has festers inside

You will fear the light

The good news is you can change it anytime

The out come of your life is not fixed

You can do the work yourself to heal

Then you don't have to fear the light

You can be joyous and Delight


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