people that don't know anything about your disabilities will say some crazy things
Before I know i was autistic someone at college came out as autistic to me and i told them i thought it was cool. they said it wasn't and that people didn't like them because of it and i told them because of it and i told them i liked them and if they need me to change the way i interacted with them i'd do my best to try. i grow up knowing i had dyslexia and took classes with other kids that had disabilities.
people that don't know anything about disabilities will ask you crazy things ( i don't mind this that much) others will keep telling you the only (wrong) things they know about it. I don't see words or anything else backwards but it's the only thing people "know" about having dyslexia. it just a part of living with a disability. if you have a less visible disability then you have to come out to people around you and you get to choose who to tell and who not to tell.
i don't tell everyone all the time. i'm not hiding it i just don't want to talk to every person about my disabilities. but i actively try to teach people about disabilities if i think they are willing to learn. i want people to have as many facts as i can and to have a real live person they can know so they don't think all people with disabilities are like whatever they have been told or that we are all the same ect.
I like to think it might help the next people with disabilities that they meet one day maybe even a kid they might have.