Praying mantis changes colors for the season
I found out today that praying mantises colors with the seasons
Oh that old bright green color is so out of fashion they're now sporting Brown camouflage
Resembling in fact rather large stick insect
I saw one crawling around on the roof of our porch
It's underbelly and legs still bright green in color
It used it's pincers to crawl about with
I've never had the occasion to observe this behavior before
As praying mantises and I are not well acquainted
It's eyes shined red reflecting the light
And they moved about in quite a queer way
It's diminutive size disguises it's predatory nature
Although I do worry for it safety
As there is quite a large garden spider that has made its web not far from where it was
All the other spiders on the porch seem to have disappeared as this one has grown fat
I do not know if it has grown fat from eating the other spiders or because it has chased them away and has all of the bugs attracted to the light to itself
Like most Garden spiders it is a large bright yellow and black spider
Every time I open the door it runs in fear either tuck its body up into itself or running off of its web so that it's not shaking from the closing doors vibrations
It doesn't matter how much I talk to it or say hello the spider will never know
Both The Spider and the mantis look at me as though in fear
Curious because it seems they think a person talking to them is queer indeed
I know that they are wild things and do not understand
But they are my allies
For they devour all those bugs who bug me
The world needs the bugs but I unfortunately do not wish to have them in the house
So having little friends and allies on the porch benefits them and me so I welcome them and say hello
As I do the dragonflies that eat the mosquitoes
They are not pets but I benefit from their existence and I welcome
Birds May eat bugs but they are awful loud too I'd rather have an insect on the porch
Like the Dapper little mantis with its graceful strike or a beautiful jeweled garden spider that weaves it's sparkling exquisitely formed web
This it's not a picture of the praying mantis that I saw for unfortunately I am not good at photography at least not on a phone so I found this picture online it looked the most like it to me