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The squirrel God

All hail our new Squirtle God

The squirrel God reminds us to prepare for the future

saving things back and planting seeds for later date

TheThe dark side of the squirrel God

Is paranoia and greed

The squirrel God helps you survive the dark times

And remind you when you are in Harvest and feast

to save for the famines and the long winter

Never ever take things away from the squirrel God

In fact be careful what you have in your hand when you contact the squirrel God may help themselves to it

You can make offerings to the squirrel God by leaving food out for the squirrels

Make sure when leaving the offering you collect food that is good for the squirrels

And that they're are squirrels in the area to benefit from the offering

And make sure that the offering is not in the way


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