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The truth is some people are hiding

This implies that you have no responsibility to change things for the better as if things are fixed. "This is the way it's always been" as if there in not more to learn and more to do to help the world and it's people. My special interest is history most people seem think that it's a fixed thing but we are always learning more, thinking and seeing things in new ways. When I am learning about history I often learn about some of the most horrific things humans have done, but that is not all that we are, we are the arts we are funny stories, kindness, love, ect.

I think yes see the world for what it is but if the truth bothers you have a responsibility to do what you can to change it for the better. Most of the time people say that people don't like the truth it's because the other person doesn't see things the way they do.

I fined that telling people the truth just giving them facts they can't change in any way, makes people depressed, anxious, and self conscious is pointless. I can not hide things but I don't have to tell people everything I notice about them.

Hurting people and then trying to hide behind it as "the truth" doesn't mean you didn't hurt them.

Sometime learning things is painful but if you can do something to change things then that pain matters and is useful.


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