Trump and Racism
Everyone knows he's Racist it was in the speech he made when he announced his candidacy. So people like that he is or don't care. 'The...
PTSD it's not always what you think it is
PTSD Somethings are traumatic for some people and not for others. You can think you'r over it or that it was no big deal and then...
the American flag Offense people?
I don't know of any one that's Offend by the American flag in the United States any way. The Confederate flag yes but as they were...
You have to spend money to make money
I have had people work really hard to get me a job but I wouldn't have the gas money to get there and back and then there's food I have...
Asylum seekers or illegal immigrants
Asylum seeker are not the same thing as illegal immigrants. We helped create the international law of asylum. Every time we take away...
Trump supporters and Trumps allegations of sexual misconduct ect.
Donald Trump supporters don't like him in spite of sexual misconduct, assault, or even rape but because of it. They want to go back to...
Can having to play monopoly make you into a democratic socialist?
Not liking monopoly helped me understand that I'm a democratic socialist. Or maybe having to play it made me one? In my family everyone...
The internet these days
I think one day kids will learn about memes in history class the same way we did political cartoons to understand what different people...
Proud to be an American and of your confederate heritage?
The confederacy were literally fighting against The United States. The Confederacy were traitors to the United States. In much the same...
White on White Fear
I was thinking about why when I meet a openly racist/white supremacist and they start talking to me like I'm apart of their club I don't...