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Feelings are Contagious

Because humans are social animals our feelings are contagious so the Golden Rule really does work.

The military has known this for a long time my dad was in the Air Force and explained it to me when I was vary little it's called morale. The military tries to do thing that's good for morale because it can help stop things like insubordination, desertion, infighting, and suicide. Because people in the military are often forced to be in close proximity with the same people for long periods of time the affects are more pronounced.

You being an asshole all the time is going to make every one around you one too.

You being paranoid and untrusting will make the people around you that way too.

Thinking someone is your enemy then they will think you are theirs as well.

Anyone could be patient zero. It may feel like a drop in the ocean meaning but if enough people are drops we can flood the world with empathy, kindness, hope, Innovation and creativity. But the opposite can happen as well.

We all help make the world we live in.

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