Something my dad told me when I was little about dictators
Most dictators that have successful coups are military leaders because without the military they have no real power Something my dad told...
Why does the racist hate evolution?
Why does the racist hate evolution? 1 Because we have more in common than differences 2 All humans come from Africa at some point 3 If we...
Americans don't know much American history
Every day I learn that most Americans don't know much American history. Are our schools that bad, do people just forget, or maybe it's to...

deliberately spreading disease
Maybe people that are deliberately spreading potentially deadly diseases like covid-19 should be called plague rats. This "no mask for...
Unlearning racism
Things like sexism and racism are learned and internalized without you even knowing it. It becomes "just the way things are". Racism is...

Coming out as having a disability ASD
I have a learning disability and some years ago I started to just tell every body, so that if some one has one, or might one day have a...
Racism also looks like
Racism also looks like "that kids stupid but this one has a learning disability" and "that kids just rude and this one has autism...

When/if the big outbreak comes
Global warming makes pollen count higher and more people will have bad hay fever so people won't know if they'er really ill even if they...
I finally got around to watching BlacKkKlansman (2018) as the new year 2020 came in
I finally got around to watching BlacKkKlansman (2018) as the new year 2020 came in. I wasn't really thinking about it being new years...
Growing up watching to much PBS
Watching a lot of PBS (The Public Broadcasting Service) growing up, I played a lot of make believe games that other people didn't...