the American flag Offense people?
I don't know of any one that's Offend by the American flag in the United States any way. The Confederate flag yes but as they were...
Asylum seekers or illegal immigrants
Asylum seeker are not the same thing as illegal immigrants. We helped create the international law of asylum. Every time we take away...
Trump supporters and Trumps allegations of sexual misconduct ect.
Donald Trump supporters don't like him in spite of sexual misconduct, assault, or even rape but because of it. They want to go back to...
The internet these days
I think one day kids will learn about memes in history class the same way we did political cartoons to understand what different people...
Proud to be an American and of your confederate heritage?
The confederacy were literally fighting against The United States. The Confederacy were traitors to the United States. In much the same...
Reasons to study history
Reasons to study history This is what google says 1. History repeats itself 2. History makes you a better student 3. History is...
White on White Fear
I was thinking about why when I meet a openly racist/white supremacist and they start talking to me like I'm apart of their club I don't...
Thinking about historic moments
IDK if a person that's ancestors were slaves in this country will ever be president. Thinking about historic moments. Just thinking about...
The good old days are a myth
The good days when people actively suppressed information from the public. Any time in history when a lot of people were literate you'll...
way more complicated then I have time for but socialism
Ok so this shit is way more complicated then I have time for but basically anything we pay taxes for that gets used for the good of every...